torsdag 30 maj 2013


  • Det är väldigt svårt att tänka i miljontals år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur länge en miljon år är som.
Så vi säga att jorden är 46 år gammal. 
Vi vet inte ingenting om jordens 7 till 8 första år. Och vi vet väldigt lite om jordens uppväxt från barn till den blev vuxen.
Vi vet dock att jorden bara började ha något form av liv när den var 42 år. 
Dinosaurierna härskade på jorden för bara ett år sen. Däggdjuren anlände bara för åtta månader sen.
Darwins teori på utvecklingen säger att apor blev till människor i mitten av föra veckan.

onsdag 29 maj 2013

Reach for the stars - questions

  1. Who was the first person in space?
  2. Who was the first person to touch the surface of the moon?
  3. What was the teachers name? 
  4. How old was she when the event happened?
  5. Why did she become so famous? 
  6. How did she describe her childhood?
  7. How many children did she have?
  8. How did she along with her crew die? 

tisdag 28 maj 2013



I called dalal and I live on the earth. I am a human and I am 13 years old. 

live in a city called Lund, and I go in class 7. I'm intrested in of how you live what you eat and if you speak Swedish as we do.

 I do not even know if you are life and how you look. I would like you to answer my various messages and that you will be writing all about you so I can tell it to the class.
i Hope you understand  what i wrote to you !


måndag 27 maj 2013


  1. Who was the first human to stand on the moon?
  2. Why wanted NASA a teacher with them in space?
  3. Wich teacher won?
  4. How many were they in the space shuttle? 
  5. What did she call her lessons of the space?
  6. What kind of teacher was she? 
  7. On wich school did she work?
  8. What names did Christas children have? 
  9. Who was the first person in space?

A letter to an alien

My name is Madeleine. I live on a planet called The Earth. I’m a human. Maybe you don’t know what a human is? It’s hard to explain. Well, humans can’t live without air, food and water. 
I live in a city called Lund. I goes in a school with my friends. I’m going in 7th grade on Gunnesboskolan. It’s nice I think. 
But how is it on your planet? And how do the people look like? I don’t think it’s look like on The Earth. 

Bye, then!

My questions

1. Why did NASA wanted a teacher on board?
2. What was the teachers name? 
3. How old was she?
4. What is the name of the guy that were the first man standing on the moon? 
5. How many teachers wanted to follow?
6. What was the big tragedy?
7. How long were they on the spacecraft?   


  1. What happend on these dates ?  

12th April 1961

20th July 1969

2. What do the many with ”Reach for the Stars” ?

3.Who is Neil Armstrong? 

4.Who is Yuri Gagarin?

5.Who is NASA?

6.What did NASA hoped?

7.What was NASA idea?

8.Who is Christa?

9.How did Christa became famous?

10 What media made Christa famous?

11.How many children did Chirsta have?

12.What is Christa’s man called?  

söndag 26 maj 2013

My letter to an alien.

Hello, alien.

I'm from the Earth, even known as Tellus. I am interested in your planet and your lifestyle. Could you tell me a little about yourself, your planet and what you usually do to entertain yourself? Do you play games? Do you watch movies? Do you listen to music? .. Have you even gotten this far in the process, or are you more evolved than us? Do you also have different languages?

I usually play video games, sit in front of the computer and listen to Michael Jackson. This is how I entertain myself. I go to school to learn, but I think it is really boring to go to school. There are many languages on the Earth.

I believe that you exist because the space feels unnecessarily large for us. There must be life somewhere. Do you also think that life exists outside your planet?

Hope you understand this language, or can in someway translate this.


My planet.

Venus is the second planet in the solar system (the first is Mercury). It is as big as the earth and sometimes it is called Earth's sister planet. The name "Venus" comes from the Roman goddess of love called Venus. Before the Romans gave the name of the planet Venus was called Aphrodite. It was the Greeks who named the planet to Venus (their love goddess was called Aphrodite).

The largest part of Venus consisting of carbon dioxide, but  there are also nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and water vapor. The planet is covered with clouds, and the planet is really hot - it means that no life from Earth could survive there.

Before the Romans gave the name of the planet Venus was called Aphrodite. It was the Greeks who named the planet to Venus (their love goddess was called Aphrodite).

Venus (and the planet Mercury) are the only planets that do not have one (or more) moon (moons). Venus is the planet most visible of all the others.

The fact is taken from:

fredag 24 maj 2013

My planet is warm and the best. My planet has a really god defense system and could destroy the whole world. We got the best food and the best activities over here. Everybody come to my planet or die. My planet name is GAMINGA and we have very epic and awesome animals. GAMINGA have two suns that are perfectly placed. GAMINGA have 8 moons in 8 different colors. In our solar system we have 15 other planet were we have our power plants and very many other things. In GAMINGA we have great a environment for kids to grow up in and have an amazing life. This is pretty much the best world in the Galaxy. We have an resort for dying exterminated animals. We have very manny humans working to make this a better planet. GAMINGA is the main place for buying and selling.
GAMINGA have a very special kind of nature that is magnify and epic.

GAMINGA got discovered about years ago
GAMINGA is the most successful planet in the hole universe
GAMINGA is 500% larger then the biggest planet Xylofominganopilaneyvanougatoleminoqbagranobe
GAMINGA’s ships fly around the hole universe every minute
GAMINGA have 1000% more money then the richest planet.

torsdag 23 maj 2013

A letter to an alien

What’s up space-bro?
I’m Alexander, writing to you from the planet Earth, also known as Tellus. I hope you’re doing fine, because I know that I am. I’m pretty curious about how life is on other planets like yours, and I hope you’re curious about our planet too. 
      Here on Earth we use a certain liquid called ‘oil’ to make fuel for transportation and to run our industrial civilization.. but it also causes pollution which harms the environment. The oil supply is also limited, so we’re trying to use electricity more and more. I’m really curious about how you take advantage of your planet to run your civilization. 
     Oh, one more question, what do you eat? Do you eat plants or other animals? I really hope you have a translator to translate this letter for you, if not, then I just wasted a lot of time writing this for nothing.

Regards from your space-bro from the Earth :D

tisdag 21 maj 2013

What I would bring

Discussion about aliens!


Questions (reach for the stars)

1. Who was Yuri Gagarin?
2. Who was the first man to stand on the moon?
3. What was NASA's ide?
4. How many collegues did Christa have?
5. How old was Christa MacAuliffe?
6. How many children did Christa have and what was the name of them?
7. How did Christa be famous?
8. How did she die?

Letter to the future me!

Hello Déspina!

How are you? I have calculated that you should get this message when you (I) are in Spain when I was 13 years old and feel super. So you feel super? I knew it. Don't get scared now! I'm your future you!

I wish that you never would say no to your summer job so we can buy a lot of clothes together. Because you will need them later. I also wish that you could by your dress, for the party in the summer, on sale because it will be very expensive!

Love you. (me).

Letter to alien!

Hello Alien!
If you are there then post a mail back to me. I think I belive in aliens because the universal is so big that we don’t know if there are something alive. But maybe there are. If you really are true than tell me how you aliens live like. 

What do you eat?
Wich language do you speak?
Wich planet do you live in?
How do you look like?

//Ibti a human from Earth


Jupiter is the biggest and heaviest planet in the solar system. It is so heavy that it weighs 318 as much as the Earth. Jupiter is the name for the most powerful Roman god. Jupiter has a deep atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Deeper into the Jupiter the gas changes into liquid and in the middle of Jupiter there is a core of stone. The core of the stone is almost as big as Earth but much heavier. 

Jupiter has 38 moons and every each of them has names. Most of the moons is small but the four biggest moons are as big as the smallest planets. The moons were discovered by Galileo. You can actually see them with regular binoculars. 

The first who got to Jupiter was Voyager 1 and 2 in year 1977. But there are more who has visit Jupiter. It takes two years to get there. 

Recording and translation

Många forskare tror att jorden är ungefär 4 600 000 000 years old.
Det är väldigt svårt att tänka på miljarder år. 
Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur en miljard är. 
Så vi säger att jorden är 46 år.
Vi vet ingenting de första sju eller åtta åren.
Och vi vet lite om hur jorden växte upp från ett barn till en vuxen.
Vi vet att jorden bara börjat ha någon form av liv när den var 42 år gammal.
Dinosaurierna härskade jorden bara ett år sedan.
Däggdjur kom åtta månader sedan.
I sista stund har vi börjat att förstöra planeten, som har levt lyckligt i 46 år 

8 Questions (Reach for the stars)

  1. Who was the first man to stand on the moon? 
  2. What did NASA hodped would inspire young people? 
  3. Did Christa McAuliffe have any children? 
  4. Who was Steve? 
  5. What was Yuri Gagatin the first person of doing?   
  6. What lesson did Christa learn from the space? 
  7. What did explode when Christa died? 
  8. What has Christa McAuliffe  been excited by as a child? 

A Letter to Me in the Future

Hi Lydia!

You are probably gonna think that this is weird but I’m the present you. I had to try to send this to you with hopes that it will arrive but I’m not sure that it will.

Well...  don’t feel any pressure but I wanted to tell you about all you wishes, hopes and goals you had 20 years ago.

The most imortant thing for you was school and to succed. You wanted to have a great job and that was the most important goal you had and your parents was the main source to that.  So if you have a great job and you like working there remember to thank them. You also wanted to start an organsation for people that lost hope for a better and brighter future. An organitation that raised money in the purpose to help others.

All that was really important but your family and friends always came before that, ofcource. You had and still have a big family and you loved and still love them all (I hope). There were all really important to you (at least everyone you knew). All of your friends were important and you always dreamed about a future with them.  You wanted to keep you’re old friends close to you and to make new friends.

In the end I want to tell you that if there is something on the list that I wrote to that isn’t real I want to give you a misson. I want you to try to make it happend. Even if it seams imposible and you don’t beliveve i your self remember I do. And every thing is worth trying.

The one person that know you best// Lydia

My planet

My Planet is Julius. The planet is about 32 billions years. It’s not far away from the Earth. We don’t know anything the first 12 years of Julius. The Julius planet is just the same as the Earth exept that it don’t have air. And it never rains overe there. It’s always sunny and warm, byt the plants can still live there. The Juluis planet is a bit bigger then the Earth. And  some astronomers think that there’s life out there even if the planet don’t have air. The planet don’t have countries like we have, because the planet is just one big country. And everyone speaks the same language. 

My letter to me in future


I just wanted to tell you that I was you for many years ago. I know exactly everything about you! Do it scares you a bit?  I think it does. I know who is your big love, and who’s you best friend and how your family looks. I don’t want to scare you or something I just want to tell you that you should believe in true love an fight for it, don’t forget that, if you wan’t and belive you can do anything. I want you to find the job you always whanted to have (I know what a job that is) and I whant you to marrie the man you love even if you love him now and you think it’s just young love, it’s maybe the one you should care of so much that he ses that you are the one too. And don’t forget to care about your family and friends.   

Letter to an Alien

Hi, my name is Alexander and I come from the planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. What planet do you come from? How far have you come in terms of technology? Have you traveled to other planets? The humans from Earth have only been on the Moon, but have sent robots to other planets. What language do you speak? You don’t speak English, right? Then why am I even writing this...? This is weird. 


Questions for "Reach for the Stars!"

  1. Who was the first person on the moon?
  2. What does NASA stand for?
  3. How many teachers wanted to be astronauts?
  4. Who was the first person in space?
  5. How many were on the spaceship when it exploded?
  1. Did they have television when the accident? 
  2. How many were there in Christa’s family?
  3. Did Christa get to have her lessons from space?

Reach for the stars - Questions


Who was the firs person standing on the moon in 1969?
What happened 28th January 1986?
Who was Christa McAuliffe? And what was her misson?
Did Christa have any kids? How many?
What did Crista call her space lessons?
How many teachers wanted to go to space?

Reach for the Stars

1. Why did NASA want a teacher to have the job as an austronaut?
2. How old was Christa McAuliffe?
3. Who was the first to stand on the moon?
4. When was it?
5. Did Christa have a family?
6. What happened 28th Januari 1986?
7. Why was Christa famous before her spacecraft exploded?
8. For how long was Christa in the spacecraft [in the sky/space]?
9. Why do millions of people watch the pictures of the explosions?

Översättning The Earth

Många forskare tror att jorden är ca 4,600,000 år gammal.

Det är väldigt svårt att tänka på flera miljarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur lång tid flera miljarder år är.

Så vi kan säga att jorden är 46 år gammal. 

Vi vet inget om jordens sju första levnads år. Vi vet väldigt lite om hur jorden växte upp från barn till vuxna. 

Vi vet att jorden bara började ha någon form av liv när den var 42 år gammal.

Dinosarier härskade på jorden bara ett år sen. Däggdjur anlände åtta månader sen.

Darwins teori om evolutionen säger att apor långsamt utvecklades till människor i mitten av förra veckan.

Saker stannade upp lite tack vare Istiden, som var förra helgen. Människor som oss har funnits i fyra timmar. Vi började odla saker för att få mat för ca en timme sen och den industriella revolutionen hände bara en minut sen. 

I sista minuten har vi börjat förstöra planeten som har levt lyckligt i 46 år.

Låt oss hoppas att vi förstår vad vi har gjort, och låt oss sluta förstöra vårt hem. 

Låt oss alla hoppas att jorden har en bra 47 års födelsedag!

My Planet


A planet named Ilara was found at the end of the solar system. They discovered the planet in year 2001. The planet is small and not bigger than our moon. If you look in a normal telescope you will think it’s a star. But if you know what to look after you can see a little blue dot in the middle. The planet look like a star, yellow and bright shining. The blue dot the scientist think’s it’s a area with extra varm fire. The fire is blue because it’s so hot. No life have been found on the planet, but the scienteist are not sure. They have send an satellite to Ilara in 2009 and they are expecting it back in 2018. But logicial seen there can’t be any life, because it should be over 1000 degrees there. If there is any form of life, the scientist don’t think the creatures can leave Ilara. Their bodies can’t leave the heat on the planet. 

The scientist are waiting on the satellite before they are telling the public more. Too much is uncertain and only guesses. 


My trip to space!

Letter to Me in the Future

Hello there, 
how are you? I just wanted to check in and see if you’re okay! I know everything about you. I know your name, it’s Sonja. I’ve been to your homecountry as often as you have. I know your family. We’re related, Sonja. Closer than you can imagine. 

Now I have to say that you better have a good job, the best friends ever, a nice family and a house with a garden. That is what I always wished to have. I still wish it and I hope that we can make our wishes come true together. 

Anyways, say hi to your family and friends!

Xoxo, Sonja

P.S I don’t want you to think that I’m a stalker. I’m as nice and friendly as you are. Because I am you, just ten years earlier! D.S 

måndag 20 maj 2013

Earth 46 years old

Många forskare tror att Jorden är 4 600 000 år gammal.

Det är väldigt svårt att tänka på miljarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur miljarder år är.

Så vi kan kalla säga att den är 46 år.

Vi vet inget om de första sju eller åtta åren av Jordens liv. Och vi vet väldigt lite om hur Jorden växte upp från ett barn till vuxen.

Vi vet att Jorden började få någon sorts liv när den var 42 år.

Dinosaurier härskade på Jorden bara ett år sedan. Däggdjur kom åtta månader sedan.

Darwins evolutions teori säger att apor började långsamt bli människor i mitten av förra veckan.

My planet: Tezone

My planet is named Tezone. It’s the size of saturn and is also a gas planet. It’s colored blue because it’s filled with cobalt and water. It got an atmosphere with oxygen. There is life on Tezone. There are plants that’s hovering around in the storms. There are also animals that swim around by using the electrical particles in the air. It’s the sixth planet in the solar system Petcha that lies in the Andromeda galaxy.

The space explorer legacy also have a mining colony on Tezone where they collect cobalt, minerals and expensive gases. 

Fast Facts:
Tezone is 60 239 607 years old, though one Tezone year is 3 earth years. 
1 Tezone day is 4 earth days. 
The gravity on Tezone is 2 times stronger than on earth. 
There has been life on Tezone for 30 100 000 Tezone years.
In total there are 230 mining facilities. There are about 4 600 000 colonists.

Here is a picture of Tezone

The planet Neptune

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. The planet is named after the sea god Neptune from the Roman myologi. In 2006 it was decided that Pluto were not a planet and then Neptune became the last planet in the solar system. Uranus is another planet similar to Neptune, both are made of hydrogen, helium and methane. Neptune was discovered by Johann Gottfried Galle the year 1846. The planet has a blue color because the atmosphere contains much methane.

 (The earht)         (Neptune)                      The symbol 

söndag 19 maj 2013

Trip to the moon.


Xeraxth is a planet (also called the gas moon) that orbits around one of the gas giants in our solar system, Jupiter. Its atmosphere is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. The planet has a core made out of iron, rocks from Jupiter, and oceans of liquid mercury. The planet is basically just a core with gas around it. But the cool thing about Xeraxth is that there are gigantic rocks floating around in the atmosphere of the planet, it’s possible because of the weak gravity and the thick gas surrounding it. You’ve probably might guessed that there is no life on Xeraxth, the reasons are: the atmosphere is too thick, it’s pretty damn cold, there is no water - only small oceans of mercury - and its inhabitants would be extremely vulnerable to solar radiation. 

The planet was discovered in 2002. At first Xeraxth wasn’t really interesting enough for NASA to investigate it further, so they found it and then left it alone. But that changed when the robotic spacecraft named I.R.O.Y.C.W.M.J came closer to this planet (which they called the ‘boring’ moon of Jupiter) on July 5th, 2008. The spacecraft was meant to explore Jupiter but the plans were changed when NASA saw the footage of Xeraxth. The planet is now very well known amongst the people of NASA. 

fredag 17 maj 2013

Discussion about Aliens

/Adam, Alexander B, Sonja och Eric


 Here is Mine, Jessicas and Cecilas Video about Aliens!

Alexander E, 10 RADER

10 lines.

Trip to the moon


Erbros is red and little white. Erbros is the fourth planet from the sun. It is not bigger than the Earth and it weighs not much like the Earth. The air at Erbros is very thin and contains almost no oxygen, only carbon dioxide. Erbors had water before, but now there is not and space probes did not answer why there is no water, or where water has gone. There is no liquid water on Erbros, but there is ice. The soil is reddish to Erbros sees red from the earth. Space probes have visited Erbros but they did not find life there. It might have been life who have died long ago. Erbors has two small moons named ebram and dramb. The temperature of the Erbors is between 20oC - 120oC. Erbros is the second smallest planet in the solar system. In 2014 the space probes arg going to search and tell oss if there is life.

Things I would take with me

That should be posted like a week ago but it has happening something..

Recording 10 lines

Det är väldigt svårt att tänka sig flera miljarder av år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss vad miljarder av år är. 

Så vi säger att Jorden är 46 år gammalt. 

Vi vet ingen de första sju eller åtta åren av Jordens liv. Och vi vet mycket lite om hur Jorden växte upp från ett barn till vuxen. 

Men vi vet att Jorden började ha ett form av liv när den blev 42 år. 

Dinosaurier härskade på Jorden för bara ett år sedan. Däggdjuren kom för ungefär åtta månader sedan. 

I den sista minuten har vi börjat med att förstöra planeten, som hade levt lyckligt i 46 år. 

Vi hoppas på att vi förstår vad vi har gjort, och låt oss sluta förstöra vårt hem.

Låt oss hoppas att Jorden får en lycklig 47års födelsedag. 

Friday's assignment

Read the text "Messages to Outer Space" and then work in groups of two to three people. Discuss the following and record it in IMovie. Put the movie on this blog (tag it with all names)

1. Do you believe in Aliens? Why/why not?
2. Do you believe that there could be "life" on another planet? Why/why not?
3. If there are humans on another planet, what would they look like? Would they behave in the same way as we? How would they develop? Would they have come as far as we have in terms of technology, science etc?
4. Make up your own questions!!!


My Planet

My planet’s name is Sephod. It’s a planet two thirds away to the end of the universe from the Earth. There is life on Sephod. There are different living beings there and all of them are intelligent and can communicate but some of them are more intelligent than others. Some of the more intelligent ones have traveled around their solar system and populated other planets, built planets and traveled through time. Some of the more stupid ones are just blobs that communicates through shaking and rubbing their body against the ground. 

Sephod is a planet with habitats very similar to our’s. The whole planet is populated by different ”creatures” and that’s why they have built their own planets and moved to other planets. The first race to move from Sephod were the Reftors. They traveled to Hish and when they landed they realized someone else already lived there, the Dolders. Some of the Reftors stayed and some moved. Instead of finding a new planet they built one and they called it Minor Beta. Minor Beta is therefore the first planet with a population originally from Sephod and it is also the first built planet in the solar system of Sephod.

Neptune, homework 19 - 20

Neptunue is a planet in our solar system and it’s about 4 497 miljons km from the sun and about

4 306 miljons km from us (the earth). It’ s the one outermost planet in the solar system (if you don’t count pluto). Neptunue were discoverd by Johann Gottfried Galle the year 1846. The planet has several moons. Human has discoverd 13 but it can be moreof them and all of them got different names. Neptunue is named after thewater god Neptune (greek Posidon) and you can’t see it without teleskope. Weight changes over there, that’s beacuse of the graviti and 10kg are 11. If you want to know how much you weigh on Neptunue or any other planet you can on  this webbsite  

A day and a night is 24 hours on the earth but it is only 18 hours on Neptunue and a year at Neptunue is 165/ 164 earthyears. Neptunue equator’s diameter is about
49 000 km.



MoonTrip #Anima

torsdag 16 maj 2013

Ylurus, My Planet


Ylurus is a small planet at the end of our solar system. When you look at it with a telescope you can see that it has the colour red. Scientists think that fires are ruling the planet and that it always is warm on Ylurus. We haven’t found any concrete life on the planet yet, but there has been made a discovery that there might be water fog on some parts of the planet. The water means that there is a little chance for life to live. It’s actually just theories, because if it would be true, the water would have turned into steam and disappeared as fast as it came into the area of Ylurus. 

Ylurus was discovered in 1999. Until now, scientists didn’t have many interested reactions to the planet. They always thought it was to small to even care about. This changed fast as the satellite Pluto was sent out to the area where Uranus, Pluto and Ylurus were. They saw that Ylurus was bigger than they had thought and that it was red. This confused the scientists. Because why would a planet be red as fire if it was in the end of the solar system, which means that it’s always cold? 

In April 2015 NASA will send another, better satellite to take pictures and maybe even land on the planet. Questions like if the red colour really is fire or what the mysterious fog actually is will hopefully be answered by 2020, when/if the satellite is planned to return to the Earth. 

tisdag 14 maj 2013

The Earth, 46 years old - video and translation

Många forskare tror att jorden är är ungefär 4 600 000 000 år gammal. Det är väldigt svårt att tänka sig flera miljarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur mycket en miljard år är. Låt oss säga att jorden är 42 år gammal. Vi vet ingenting om de sju eller åtta första åren av jordens liv. Och vi vet inte så mycket om hur jorden växte upp från ett barn till en vuxen. Vi vet däremot att jorden började ha någon form av liv när den var 42 år gammal. Dinosaurier härskade över jorden för bara ett år sen. Däggdjuren anlände åtta månader sen. Darwins teori om evolutionen säger att aporna långsamt blev människor i mitten på förra veckan. 

tisdag 7 maj 2013

Recording, Alexander S :D:DDDD

Många forskare tror att Jorden är 4 600 000 000 år gammal.

Det är ganska så svårt att tänka sig flera miljarder år. Man kan inte föreställa sig hur mycket en miljard är.

Så låt oss säga att Jorden är 46 år gammal.

Vi vet ingenting om det första 7-8 åren av Jordens liv. Vi vet väldigt lite om hur Jorden växte upp från barn till vuxen.

Vi vet att det började bli liv på Jorden när Jorden var 42 år gammal.

Dinosaurier härskade på Jorden för bara ett år sedan. Däggdjuren kom för ungefär åtta månader sedan.

Darwin's teori om evolutionen säger att aporna sakta blev till människor i mitten på förra veckan.

Parts of my suitcase

I just draw two of the things I want to bring on my trip to the moon and back. I would want to take many more things then I've draw and among them there are; my friends, food, oxygen, water and my computer. 

My recording and translation

Vissa forskare tror att jorden är 4, 600 000 000 miljarder år gammal. 

Det är väldigt svårt att tänka sig flera miljarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss hur mycket en miljard år är.

Så låt oss säga att att jorden är 46 år.

Vi vet ingenting om de sju eller åtta första åren av jordens liv. Vi vet inte särskilt mycket om när jorden växt från barn till vuxen heller. 

Vi vet att livet på jorden började ta form när den var 42 år gammal.

Dinosaurierna härskade på jorden för ett år sedan. Däggdjur anlände 8 månader sedan. 

Darwin’s teori om evolutionen säger att aporna långsamt börja bli människor i mitten av förra veckan.  

När istiden kommit till jorden stannade utvecklingen upp lite, och den var förra helgen. Vi människor har varit här i 4 timmar. Vi började att odla och äta vår mat för en timme sen och den industriella revolutionen tog sin börja för bara en minut sedan.

Den senaste minuten började vi att förstöra planeten, som levt lyckligt i 46 år.

Vi får alla hoppas att vi förstår vad vi gör och sluta förstöra vårt hem. 

Vi får hoppas att jorden har en trevlig 47:nde födelsedag!

Recording + Translation

Många forskare tror att jorden är ungefär 4,6 milliarder år gammal.
Det är väldigt svårt att tänka i milliarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss vad milliarder år är.  
Så låt oss säga att jorden är 46 år gammal. 
Vi vet ingenting om de första sju eller åtta åren av jordens liv. Och vi vet väldigt lite om hur jorden växte upp från ett barn till vuxen. 
Vi vet att jorden bara började ha någon form av liv när den var 42 år gammal. 
Dinosaurier var härskare över jorden för ett år sedan. Däggdjur anlände för åtta månader sen. 
Darwins teori om evolution säger att aporna sakta blev människor i mitten av förra veckan. 
Saker förlångsammades vid istiden, vilket var förra helgen. Människor som vi har det funnits ungefär fyra timmar. Vi började odla mat att äta för en timme sen och den industriella revolutionen hände för bara en minut sen. 
I den senaste minuten har vi börjat att fördärva vår planet, som har levt lyckligt i 46 år. 
Låt oss hoppas att vi förstår vad vi har gjort och låt oss sluta förstöra vårt hem.  
Vi får hoppas att jorden har en lyckosam 47:ende födelsedag! 

English space suitcase

What I will bring on my trip to the moon

What I would bring

A trip to the moon and back


Många forskare tror att jorden är ca 4600 miljarder år gammal.

Det är mycket svårt att tänka på miljarder år. Vi kan inte föreställa oss vad en miljard år är som.

Så låt oss säga att Jorden är 46 år gammal.

Vi vet ingenting de första sju eller åtta år av jordens liv. Och vi vet väldigt lite om hur jorden växte upp från ett barn till en vuxen.

Vi vet att jorden bara började få någon form av liv när det var 42 år gammal.

Dinosaurierna härskade jorden bara ett år sedan. Däggdjur anlände åtta månader sedan.


Homework from Elin w.18

Alexander S :DDD

What I will bring on my trip to the moon

What I will bring on my trip to the moon: Clothes, a pocket house (with reinforced steel and kevlar walls and oxygen tanks), a blaster (to defend myself from aggressive extraterrestrial creatures), my pet goldfish, a tooth brush and tooth paste and a crate filled with food and water. 

Things I would take with me

[flash light, warm clothes, camera, notebook, music/piano, photos/memories from the Earth, Alien Language and Info-book, friends]

What I bring on this marvelous trip /Magdalena

fredag 3 maj 2013


Hi and welcome to this trip to the Moon and back!!!

For the next couple of weeks we vill embark on a journey to outer space.

On this blog, you will find our plan for each week, homework, exercises and much more. You will be able to post your stuff on this blog and are also asked to do so,

Are you ready to meet some Aliens?

Hope you will like it! /Josefin